Sunday 26 July 2009

I always reach some point in a trip when I get tired of siteseeing. For me, there is a definite point of saturation when I have seen too many statues and churches, and squares, and plazas, and my feet are blistered and sore and my neck is cricked from constantly staring at some monument which Rick Steves has told me I can´t go without seeing. Usually my response to this problem is to drink.

Being on vacation is great because there are plenty of excuses to drink.

1. Im trying to absorb the culture by sampling a variety of local beverages in colorful drinking establishments.

2. Hey, Im only here once right? I should probably make the most of it.

3. Once I get back home I´m just going to have to start working again anyway, and I cant drink at work. Well, at least not that much.

4. If I get full on drinks and cheap bar food then I won´t have to spen so much money on meals and since Im drunk I won´t need to spend money on entertainment either. Hell yeah bartender, I will take another 8 euro mojito.

Theres nothing better than being drunk in a foreign country. There´s no one you know around to see you acting like a fool and unless you have the dexterity and mental acuity to dial the 20 digit number on your calling card there´s no way to make any emberassing drunk dials. Plus when your stumbling down the streets of (input your favorite European city) you aren´t a sad alcoholic but a travelling bohemian, an adventurer filled with wanderlust and a passion for life, unfulfilled by boring travel guides and the sober, conformist way of life.

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